THE ANT - Your Mentor

By: Orakwue Chukwuebuka Joshua 

He walked passed the Lion, walked passed the Elephant, the Rhino, the Buffalo, passed the Leopard, the Fox, the Rabbit...........

"Oh!! I've gotta explain and show to man the way of wisdom; He needs a mentor........."
This was God's thought, for man was in desperate need of a mentor.

........Passed the hyena, the eagle, the duck, the beetle.........  Finally, there in a little hole in the sand was a group of tiny creatures, going about their business with such determination and purpose, and He pointed and spoke "There......  Look man! There's your mentor; THE ANT.

One would think that if God was to express Himself through any creature, he would use something big like the elephant; to show how mighty he is, Or something fast like the cheetah; to show how quickly he can answer your prayers. But instead he says :

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:
The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;" Proverbs 30:24-25 (KJV) 

Again He says:

"Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!" Prov 6:6 (NLT) 

What qualifies the Ant; as little as it is; to serve as a mentor for the man? 
What wisdom is there to be gleaned from the Ant?  

The Ant understands that there are STAGES!! 
He realizes that there is the Summer and there is the Winter. He realizes that there is a time of plenty and sunshine, but there's also a time of rain, snow. He knows that he is at some point in his life, but he is also going somewhere. Do you?

The Ant has enough FAITH to believe that he will be there in the winter.
There are lots of larger creatures; predators even who can easily squash that ant, but he doesn't worry about those predators. Has fear so consumed you? Where is your Faith?

The Ant PREPARES food for the winter; and he does it in the summer. 
He ignores where he is now and prepares for where he is going. How well have you prepared for your future? Are you living just for the present??

The Ant is willing to WAIT
He can easily consume all the food, but instead, he decides to store them up for winter. If you cannot wait until the right time; until the time of revealing, you will so mess yourself up.

The Ant BRINGS IN the food HIMSELF .
He doesn't wait for his dad; doesn't wait for his uncle or brother. He does it himself. You must take responsibility and charge over your life!! Stop waiting on others to determine where you will end up. Get up and be who God wants you to be!!

The Ant operates with people of a LIKE-MIND
Bringing it in yourself does not mean you don't need others. Just the same way the ant needs other ants with a similar purpose to achieve a task, you need people who are of the same mind with you; those who can bring out the best in you. Surround yourself with these people.

The Ant collects food THREE TIMES BIGGER  than he is. Set high standards for yourself!! Don't be content with a mediocre life and vision. Make your goals bigger than you are and let God lead you.

The ANT is indeed wise.
If you will obey the wisdom of the ant, be ready to look and be seen as a fool. Men may not understand you, but at the end, your diligence, perseverance, rugged Faith will Speak!!!



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