I'd never seen as many stamps as I did in the past week. They came in different shapes, colours and sizes.
Oh Yes. I had a lot of 'stampy' experiences in the past week whilst going about my final clearance in school. And Yes. I'm officially an alumni of COOU....
At each office I visited, there had to be a stamp appended on my clearance form, showing I had fulfilled the requirements at that stage, and then and only then could I move to the next stage of the clearance.
This, as stressful and time consuming as it was, taught me valuable lessons.
Life as we know it is in stages. Everybody, irrespective of age is at one stage or the other in His life; be it physically, academically, financially, spiritually, etc.
We all want to go a step further; advance to that next stage; hit the next level financially, operate on higher levels of the anointing, etc.
While this is wonderful, it is important to note that you cannot get to that next stage of you have not been faithful in your present level. Well, you can by crooked means or by cutting corners, but it will only lead to frustration, misuse and regret.
How well have you fared at the place God has placed you now? Are you faithful? Are you diligent? There may be a lot of disappointments and what you may term 'time-wasting' as I very well experienced during the process, but one thing you do not do is jump a stage. It will come back to haunt you.
Have you fulfilled all the requirements necessary to be worthy of THE STAMP?
You cannot receive what you are not prepared for!!!
One very important lesson I learnt was that irrespective of your current stage, you need to prepare and make plans for the next stage you want to step into. Imagine stepping into a dark room you've never been in before. There will be a whole lot of collisions.
Set goals, Have a well laidout plan, Be visionary...
Above all friends, TRUST GOD AND FOLLOW HIS LEADINGS. It's the safest you can be!!
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